New Finds of Roman Coins from the Kazimierza Wielka District, Southern Poland
Abstrakt: The article presents and analyzes several hitherto unpublished finds of Roman coins from the area of the Kazimierza Wielka district. The five pieces in question are unofficial “denarii” of the emperors Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius (struck for Lucilla), one antoninianus in the name of Gordian III, and one devalued radiatus of Gallienus, were all found randomly before the year 1995 within the area of the unexcavated settlement site of the Przeworsk culture at Boronice. The denarius of Trajan comes from the research performed at the site of Słonowice by one of the authors. These finds have been described in the context of some other discoveries of Roman coins from the same region.
Jarosław Bodzek and Krzysztof Tunia, "New Finds of Roman Coins from the Kazimierza Wielka District, Southern Poland", NN-ZN 15, 147-166 (2020)