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Department XXI - Studio of the iconography of Cracow

Department XXI - Studio of the iconography of Cracow

The Studio was established in 1964 as a research department intended to gather information and pr-1914 photographic documentation – in any technique – of views of Krakow, which survived in various collections, whether public or private. At present the inventory of the Studio lists upward of 9,000 city views, both general and of specific streets, squares, facilities and interiors.

Access to the resources of the Studio is possible for research, conservation and promotion purposes. Another aim of this department is to describe and publish its collections. From among the publications a mention should be made of Jerzy Banach’s books Dawne widoki Krakowa [Former views of Krakow] (1967 and 1982) and Kraków malowniczy. O albumach z widokami Krakowa w dziewiętnastym wieku [Krakow picturesque. Of albums Of 19th-century Krakow] (1980); Wanda Mossakowska’s and Anna Zeńczak’s Kraków na starej fotografii [Krakow in old photographs] as well as about 200 academic papers published in a range of historical and art historical publications in Poland and abroad. In recent years, the prime objective of the department has been to prepare and publish a multi-volume catalogue of views of Krakow (Katalog Widoków Krakowa) edited by Jerzy Banach. This publication is going to cover Śródmieście (Downtown), once enclosed within the defence walls, today surrounded by the Planty green belt. So far two volumes of the Katalog have come out: Jerzy Banach’s Ikonografia Rynku Głównego w Krakowie [Iconography of the Main Square in Krakow] (1998) and Iwona Kęder’s, Waldemar Komorowski’s and Anna Zeńczak’s Ikonografia kościoła Mariackiego i placu Mariackiego, Małego Rynku, ulic Mikołajskiej, Siennej i św. Krzyża [Iconography of St. Mary’s Church, Mariacki Square, the Mały Rynek and Mikołajska, Sienna and Św. Krzyża Streets] (1999). Forthcoming is the third volume compiled by Iwona Kęder and Waldemar Komorowski, covering the Dominican Church and Grodzka Street. Moreover, a few other scientific publications are prepared at the Studio every year, discussing the key issues of the history of Krakow and its monuments.