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regulations for visiting the museum

regulations for visiting the museum

I. General information:
  1. The purchase of a ticket and being on the grounds of the Museum automatically implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Visits to the exhibitions in the branches of the National Museum in Krakow take place at times determined by the director of the Museum.
  3. Detailed information about visiting (including opening hours) permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions, temporarily unavailable interiors, concerts, lectures and guide and educational offer as well as information about ticket prices is available in ticket offices, museum information points and on the Museum's website.
  4. Documents that entitle the holder to purchase a discounted ticket must be presented before purchasing the ticket.
  5. In order to visit the exhibitions you need to present a valid entrance ticket/ fiscal receipt.
  6. Based on security regulations, the cashier may refuse to sell tickets.
II. Visiting rules:
  1. On the grounds of the Museum it is necessary to obey remarks and orders of the Museum staff and security service employees.
  2. Minors are the responsibility of their parents or guardians.
  3. Intoxicated persons, persons under the influence of intoxicating substances and persons behaving in a way that poses a threat to the safety of collections or persons, disturbing the order of visiting other visitors or violating the generally accepted norms of behaviour in public places – are not allowed to stay on the grounds of the Museum.
  4. All rucksacks, bags, suitcases and handbags exceeding the size of 40x20x25 cm, as well as umbrellas and outerwear must be left in the cloakroom or in deposit lockers,
    the use of which is free of charge.
  5. After the closing of the Museum, the deposit lockers are reviewed. The items left behind are removed and 3 days after the removal date: the foodstuffs are disposed of and the other items are handed over to the appropriate services in the appropriate manner pursuant to Article 7 et seq. of the Found Property Act of 20 February 2015.
  6. The Museum is not responsible for valuable and sensitive items left in clothes or rucksacks left in cloakrooms and other public places within the Museum's branches.
  7. Amateur photography and filming (if the objects are not covered by a separate photography ban) without additional lighting, including flash and tripod, is permitted at one's own risk, for one's own purposes without the right to publish and is free of charge. In cases resulting from current legislation, the museum reserves the right to forbid photography and filming of the indicated objects.
  8. The required consents will be given on separate terms.
  9. The Museum is not responsible for bicycles, scooters, prams left on the Museum grounds.
  10. Visitors are asked to leave the Museum by the closing time in the department, taking into account the time to collect items left in the cloakroom.
  11. In selected branches of the NMK, wheelchairs for people with disabilities are made available to the public. Their users are asked to return the wheelchairs at the end of the tour to where they were taken from. It is not allowed to leave the NMK building with a wheelchair borrowed from the NMK.
  12. The following activities are banned in the NMK buildings:
  • bringing in pets (excluding guide dogs, support dogs),
  • smoking and using open fire and all types of electronic cigarettes,
  • bringing in and consuming food and beverages,
  • carrying weapons, ammunition and other tools and equipment that could pose a threat to life and health,
  • photography with tripods and lamps,
  • touching: museum exhibits, elements of museum decoration that are part of the arrangement, moving outside the designated routes in the museum exhibition area, with the exception of marked sensory paths and objects intended for this purpose,
  • talking on mobile phones while visiting exhibitions.
  1. Any complaints and requests should be submitted to the Museum by mail or sent to the following e-mail address: dyrekcja@mnk.pl.

III. Personal data protection.

There is a CCTV system in operation in the Museum buildings and in the surrounding areas, including courtyards and gardens. The processing of personal data in the form of image recorded by the CCTV system of the Museum will be carried out on the following basis:

  1. The administrator of your personal data is the National Museum in Krakow
    with its seat at al. 3 Maja 1, in Krakow (postal code:30-062), phone: 12 43 35 620, e-mail address: dyrekcja@mnk.pl.
  2. Contact details for the Data Protection Inspector at the National Museum in Krakow: tel. + 48 602 376 167, e-mail address: iod@mnk.pl.
  3. Your personal data in the form of an image recorded by the CCTV system will be processed for the purpose of ensuring the safety of persons staying on the premises of the National Museum in Krakow and securing property on the basis of Article 6 (1) (c) and (f) of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of 27 April 2016, in accordance with the Act a of 22 August 1997 on the protection of persons and property (Journal of Laws 2017, item 2213) and the Regulation of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of 2 September 2014 on the protection of museum collections against fire, theft and other dangers threatening their destruction or loss (D. U. 2014, item 1240).
  4. The image record is a legally protected element and has a direct impact on the security of the MNK. Therefore, you do not have the right of access to the content of your data and the right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal - within the limits set by law.
  5. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority dealing with personal data protection, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you violates the provisions of the GDPR.
  6. The provision of personal data by you is voluntary. Visiting the National Museum in Krakow means that you agree to provide your personal data within the scope indicated in point 3. The consequence of refusal to provide such data is the lack of the right to stay on the National Museum in Krakow's premises.
  7. The data provided by you will not be made available to third parties. Only institutions authorised by law will be recipients of the data.
  8. Data provided by you will not be subject to profiling.
  9. The controller does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country or international organisation.
  10. Your data will be processed in an automated manner - surveillance cameras record the image continuously, after 30 days the record is automatically and permanently deleted by overwriting the next image.