The Society of Friends of the National Museum in Krakow
Founded in 1903, the Society of Friends of the National Museum in Krakow is the oldest one in Poland today.
Its originators and founders were:
At first, the purpose of the Society was to purchase works by Polish artists for exhibits and cultural displays. It has broadened its work to serve Polish heritage in many ways. Our present objectives and projects are listed in the Constitution and include:
These are some of our recent successes:
We helped out financially to buy graphics by Stanisław Fijałkowski donating PLN 14 900 for Prints and Drawing Dept.
We bought two 18th c. Orthodox church evangelistary for PLN 4 500 for Old Print Dept.
We held celebrations commemorating 110 anniversary of our Society and published a jubilee booklet.
The purchase of works by Jan Kanty Gumowski (1883 - 1946).
We organize visits, lectures, parties and other events for members. We enjoy excursions to museums, historical and archeological sites, religious buildings, objects of architectural interest in Poland.

Our members take active part in the life of the Museum, for instance as volunteers in Night of Museums. We cooperate with Educational Dept helping them in various events.

During excursions we make contact with similar societies operating in other towns, regularly cooperate with the Society supporting Saltmine Museum Wieliczka.
In 2013 – 2015 we took part in the international programme Heritage Interpretation for Senior Audiences. It was directed to their needs in visiting museums and heritage sites. In connection with the project our members had a possibility to learn and polish English language during a course and then try their abilities and make new friends during international exchange.

The project covered five participants:
Every year we have 2 get-together parties, a Christmas meeting and picnic. As close friends of chorus “Krakowska Lutnia” founded in 1899, they always honor our December parties with a concert of carols. In June they invite us for a picnic near the Vistula River, then we join in singing familiar tunes.

There is a yearly fee of PLN 50. The membership card gives free entry to most places of national heritage and quarterly leaflet about upcoming activities.
Contact: Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny. The Board is available every first Monday of each month in the Main Building of NMK in the tea shop from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. It is a possibility to talk with friends and exchange new ideas over coffee and delicious cakes.
If you are not a member yet, please do consider joining us. Drop a line you are coming; we will be happy to show you around. You are welcome!
Donations in any currency: PL97 1130 1150 0012 1268 8420 0001
In case of PAY PAL please add ‘purchase of works of art’
For euro and Polish currency: 23 1500 1979 1219 7003 4661 0000.
Its originators and founders were:
- Teodor Axentowicz – painter, graphic designer and drawer
- Feliks „Manggha” Jasieński – famous collector and connoisseur of art and columnist
- Leon Wyczółkowski – outstanding painter and printmaker
- Feliks Kopera – professor of art history and museologist
At first, the purpose of the Society was to purchase works by Polish artists for exhibits and cultural displays. It has broadened its work to serve Polish heritage in many ways. Our present objectives and projects are listed in the Constitution and include:
- Promote and increase interest in the cultural interest of our heritage. Expand the knowledge of culture and art based on collections in the NMK to members and visitors to the Museum.
- Increase and advance the knowledge of the MNK’s history, collections and historical relevance to support and enrich the collection through material and financial gifts and donations, and purchase works of art with the help of the European Fund or other fund-raising opportunities.
- Develop and increase interest in collecting objects of art, protect valuable objects of historical and patriotic heritage, and encourage donations of souvenirs by members and interested parties
- Support the Museum by purchasing artistic objects and supporting their care and display with financial support.
- Make contacts and create a network of owners, collectors and viewers.
These are some of our recent successes:
We helped out financially to buy graphics by Stanisław Fijałkowski donating PLN 14 900 for Prints and Drawing Dept.
We bought two 18th c. Orthodox church evangelistary for PLN 4 500 for Old Print Dept.
We held celebrations commemorating 110 anniversary of our Society and published a jubilee booklet.
The purchase of works by Jan Kanty Gumowski (1883 - 1946).
We organize visits, lectures, parties and other events for members. We enjoy excursions to museums, historical and archeological sites, religious buildings, objects of architectural interest in Poland.

Our members take active part in the life of the Museum, for instance as volunteers in Night of Museums. We cooperate with Educational Dept helping them in various events.

During excursions we make contact with similar societies operating in other towns, regularly cooperate with the Society supporting Saltmine Museum Wieliczka.
In 2013 – 2015 we took part in the international programme Heritage Interpretation for Senior Audiences. It was directed to their needs in visiting museums and heritage sites. In connection with the project our members had a possibility to learn and polish English language during a course and then try their abilities and make new friends during international exchange.

The project covered five participants:
- Germany – Interpret Europe – European Association for Heritage Interpretation e. V
- Malta – University of Malta, Institute for Tourism Travel and Culture
- Poland – Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie.
- Great Britain – Red Kite Environment Ltd.
- Italy – Ce.S.F.Or. – Centro Studi Formazione Orientamento.
Every year we have 2 get-together parties, a Christmas meeting and picnic. As close friends of chorus “Krakowska Lutnia” founded in 1899, they always honor our December parties with a concert of carols. In June they invite us for a picnic near the Vistula River, then we join in singing familiar tunes.

There is a yearly fee of PLN 50. The membership card gives free entry to most places of national heritage and quarterly leaflet about upcoming activities.
Contact: Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Gmach Główny. The Board is available every first Monday of each month in the Main Building of NMK in the tea shop from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. It is a possibility to talk with friends and exchange new ideas over coffee and delicious cakes.
If you are not a member yet, please do consider joining us. Drop a line you are coming; we will be happy to show you around. You are welcome!
Donations in any currency: PL97 1130 1150 0012 1268 8420 0001
In case of PAY PAL please add ‘purchase of works of art’
For euro and Polish currency: 23 1500 1979 1219 7003 4661 0000.