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The Cloth Hall

The Cloth Hall

The Gallery of 19th-century Polish Art is at no. 3 on the Main Square, in the historic building of the Cloth Hall.
These four spacious rooms (the Bacciarelli Room, the Michałowski Room, the Siemiradzki Room and the Chełmoński Room) house one of the most important collections of late eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century Polish art, including some of the best-known and widely recognized works by artists such as Jan Matejko, Henryk Siemiradzki, Piotr Michałowski, Henryk Rodakowski, Artur Grottger, Maurycy Gottlieb, Józef Chełmoński, Józef Brandt, Władysław Podkowiński, Jacek Malczewski, Pius Weloński and Teodor Rygier.

Size of the rooms
  • Siemiradzki Room – 431.1 m²
  • Chełmoński Room – 424.4 m²
  • Michałowski Room – 169.5 m²
  • Bacciarelli Room – 115.4 m²
Capacity: the gallery as a whole can accommodate a maximum of 300 people at any one time.

Available facilities (by prior arrangement)
  • 200 chairs
  • mobile screen (200 x 250 cm)
  • projector, laptop, sound system, Wi-Fi max. 2 MB
  • air-conditioning
  • disabled toilet
  • outside event catering possible (facilities adjacent to the Chełmoński Room, which also has a separate entrance)
  • guided tours or individual viewing of the gallery

Reservations are taken in writing, and should be submitted to Anna Studnicka, head of our Sales Section, at: astudnicka@mnk.pl . Please include the date and time of your event, number of guests, type of facilities required, and a brief description of the event type.