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Online databases

Online databases

Readers may seek information on the library’s collections via the online catalogue and the tradition card files.

Online databases:

- The NMK Library online catalogue: the umbrella database for books, electronic documents, printed music and audio materials (post-1992 acquisitions plus recatalogued older holdings) :

  • Articles from collective publications, above all materials from sessions of the Association of Art Historians (Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki);
  • Biographies and bibliographies of art historians, museum professionals, etc.;
  • Bibliography of works by employees of the National Museum in Krakow.

Acquisitions from before 1992 are profiled in the following card catalogues:

  • alphabetical – joint for books (up to 2006) and periodicals (ongoing)
  • systematic for books (according to the Universal Decimal Classification)
  • topographical for exhibitions, collections and auctions.
We recommend:

Online catalogues of Polish libraries
Online catalogues of foreign libraries:
Keywords: ddd library, ddd books, ddd online databases, ddd bibliography