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Decorative Arts Conservation Studio

Decorative Arts Conservation Studio

The studio staff have completed conservation procedures and prepared historic objects for a number of exhibitions held at the National Museum in Krakow and other institutions, for example:

- Fans of the Occident and Orient at the National Museum in Krakow and the National Museum in Kielce (2001)
- Treasures from the Black Sea Coast at the National Museum in Krakow (2006)
- Poland - Treasures and Art Collections at the Palacio Royal de Madrid (2011)
- Forever Young! Poland and Its Art around 1900 at the National Museum in Krakow (2012–2014)
- The History of the A. Baraniecki Industrial Engineering Museum in Krakow at the Museum of Municipal Engineering in Krakow (2013)
- Prince Józef Poniatowski and His Time at the Museum in Gliwice (2013)
- Galerie de la Belle Époque. Decorative Arts at the National Museum in Kielce (2013)
- Napoleon at the Regional Museum in Środa Śląska (2013–2014)
- Maiolica from Nieborów at the National Museum in Krakow (2013–2014).

One of the studio’s most interesting projects was the conservation of the verre églomisé altarpiece from Biecz (completed between 2007 and 2011 by Anna Pusoska, in collaboration with the conservator Sławomir Oleszczuk of Olestudio), concluded by a demonstration and conservation seminar in May 2013.

Starting in 1998, for ten years the then head of the studio, Anna Pusoska, organized national sessions on the research, conservation and storage of historic glass.

Team studio:

  • Małgorzata Pisulińska – head
  • Anna Pusoska
  • Elżbieta Kuraś

The Main Building
al. 3 Maja 1
tel. +48 12 433 55 82
Keywords: ddd conservation, ddd Decorative Arts, ddd