Genoa, Venice, and their colonies compared, 13th to 16th century. People, Power, and Art
By doing so, archival work, epigraphic studies, art history and archaeology, grounded in both local examples and trans-regional field studies, will be brought together. Furthermore, concepts and terms related to research on the phenomenon of colonies will be scrutinized so as to come to a discussion more reflective as concerns terminology. It is hoped that the comparative perspective will prove especially fruitful regarding this aspect.

Venue: Room of Virtues, The Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace (first floor), branch of the National Museum in Kraków (17 Kanonicza Street)
9.00 Welcome Address
Andrzej Szczerski, director of the National Museum in Kraków and Stanisław Sroka, Dean of the Faculty of History of the Jagiellonian University
Introduction Rebecca Müller/Rafał Quirini-Popławski
I Deux styles, une réussite? Chair: Rebecca Müller, Heidelberg
9.30 Fiscalità, credito e guerra navale. Genova e Venezia: stati fiscali-militari?
Antonio Musarra, Rome
II Relations in comparison
10.15 Framing Commerce between Empire, Crusade and Law Merchant: Venice, Genoa and the Mamluks in the 14th Century
Georg Christ, Manchester
Chair: Mateusz Grzęda, Kraków
11.30 Asymmetrical Reactions. Venice and Genoa facing the crisis of the Golden Horde: 1343-1475
Lorenzo Pubblici, Naples
12.15 Constructed Communities in the West: Genoese and Venetians in the Iberian Realms Nikolas Jaspert, Heidelberg
III Urbanism and Architecture Chair: Mirosław Piotr Kruk, Gdańsk/Kraków
14.30 I quartieri dei Genovesi e dei Veneziani nelle città del Mediterraneo: ricezione e diffusione dei modelli architettonici ed urbanistici tra l’Oltremare e la Madrepatria
Alireza Naser Eslami, Genoa
15.15 Da Costantinopoli a Istanbul gli insediamenti dei Veneziani e dei Genovesi: uno sguardo comparativo sul contesto urbanistico
Aygül Ağır, Istanbul [via Zoom]
18.30 Evening lecture
Venue: Lanckoroński Room (no 39), Collegium Iuridicum (first floor), Department of the History of Art of the Jagiellonian University (53 Grodzka Street)
Welcome Address by Marek Walczak, Director of the Department of the History of Art of the Jagiellonian University
IV Art and Power Chair: Rafał Quirini-Popławski, Kraków
The Projection of Power in two thirteenth-century Italian Maritime Republics
Julian Gardner, Warwick
9.30 Art in Time and Space. Materials in Genoa and Venice and their origin
Rebecca Müller, Heidelberg
10.15 Painting in the Greek Way: Genoese and Venetian Perspectives
Michele Bacci, Freiburg
11.30 Genoa, Venice, and Yuan China: Art beyond the Colonies
Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Heidelberg
12.15 Final discussion
13.00 Break