Scientific research
Scientific research
LANBOZ conducts research on the materials and techniques used to create cultural heritage objects, supporting historical analyses or expert opinions on the authenticity of works of art conducted by art historians, archaeologists, and/or conservators. LANBOZ investigates the material aspects of works of art from the National Museum’s collection as well as other collections housed in Polish museums. The laboratory is equipped with technical photography, X-radiography, electron microscopy, Raman and infrared spectroscopy, and imaging X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, among other techniques. A comprehensive research program involving imaging, microscopy and spectroscopy was implemented in 2012 to better understand the technical aspects of the painting Lady with Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci from the collection of the National Museum in Krakow. The painting was examined using state-of-the-art non-invasive instrumental imaging methods, and attempts were made to reveal and document the original background now covered by later repainting. These analyses made it possible to further visualize detailed compositional elements in the background of the painting and to identify the pigments employed by the artist.