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1920. Miracle of the Vistula

24.07-29.11.2020 1920. Miracle of the Vistula

On the essential point, there can be little room for doubt; had the Soviet forces overcome Polish resistance and captured Warsaw, Bolshevism would have spread throughout Central Europe and might well have penetrated the whole continent.’

Edgar Vincent D'Abernon

Restored after a long period of captivity, Poland owed its victory in the war with the Bolsheviks to the unification of the whole nation in the fight against the ‘Bolshevik onslaught’, the rejection of divisions by the country’s ruling elites, and, above all, the extraordinary valour, dedication and blood sacrifice of Polish soldiers. 

The exhibition will feature posters from the time of the Polish-Bolshevik War, illustrative of its horror and created by eminent Polish artists: Edmund Bartłomiejczyk, Zygmunt Kamiński, Felicjan Szczęsny Kowarski, Zdzisław Gedliczka, Józef Mehoffer, Józef Ryszkiewicz, Kamil Mackiewicz and Karol Homolacs. They will be juxtaposed with Soviet propaganda posters by excellent Russian artists, such as Vladimir Mayakovsky and Dmitry Moor. 

We will also show life on the front as portrayed in the drawings and prints of Wiktor Gutowski, who fought in the war, and his artistic vision of the Battle of Warsaw, as well as paintings by Jerzy Kossak and Jerzy Jełowiecki.

The exhibition will be complemented with period documents, decorations and badges awarded for fighting in the Polish-Bolshevik War, original uniforms and equipment of Polish soldiers from that era, and weapons.

Curator and coordinator - Piotr Wilkosz

Coordinator's assistant - Olga Pawlak

Arrangement designer - Magdalena Bujak

MNK The Szołayski

pl. Szczepański 9, 31-011 Kraków
  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday: 10.00-18.00
  • Wednesday - Sunday: 10.00-16.00
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition space
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening
1920. Miracle of the Vistula. Exhibition opening

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Strategic Partner of the National Museum in Krakow

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