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Janina Kraupe-Świderska's Passing (1921-2016)

Janina Kraupe-Świderska, photo by Jacek Świderski - Photography Studio NMK

Janina Kraupe-Świderska's Passing (1921-2016)

Janina Kraupe-Świderska – a painter, printmaker and a wonderful human being – died on Thursday, 3 March.
She was involved in the activities of the Krakow avant-garde as part of the group she had met as early as during the Nazi occupation. Her works were displayed for the first time at the First National Exhibition of Modern Art in 1948. She worked with Tadeusz Kantor and played the role of Goplana in 'Balladyna' staged in his clandestine theatre. Kraupe was the co-founder of Grupa Krakowska [Krakow Group]. Her friends included Tadeusz Kantor, Tadeusz Brzozowski, Kazimierz Mikulski and Jerzy Nowosielski. In 1957, she became a member of the Krakow Group. Kraupe was associated with the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts, first as a student, then as a lecturer and a professor.

Janina Kraupe's paintings and prints can be classified as abstract. The artist herself said that she paints 'that which is variable, elusive, taking place on different levels, co-existing in different times, associated in one's imagination not only with images, but with signs, symbols, records; the whole realm of music, cognizable only in time'. The two great inspirations for her art was music and esoteric activity, which she had practiced for decades. She was interested in Buddhism and Zen. Kraupe often created her works as automatic records combined with the practice of meditation. Her painting is an expression of a profound feeling of unity and harmonious accord of all the elements of the universe: spirituality and materiality, durability and transience, life and death.

In 2006, the National Museum in Krakow held an exhibition titled Janina Kraupe: Painting, Printmaking, Drawing (curated by Anna Budzałek). The NMK also published a catalogue of her works.
She was married to professor Jan Świderski, an outstanding painter.

Kraupe-Świderska was awarded the City of Krakow Prize in the field of culture and art, and the Gold Medal for Meritorious Service to Culture – Gloria Artis. She was a beautiful, graceful and elegant woman, dedicated mainly to her artistic vocation.

She had many friends in the National Museum in Krakow.