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Last entry to the exhibition: 5:00 p.m.

Tickets to the MNK Muzeum Czartoryskich are sold for a designated date and time. Tickets allow the access to the permanent exhibitions in other branches of the National Museum in Krakow (except for MNK Sukiennice and MNK Gmach Główny) within three months of the date printed on the ticket.

One ticket is valid for all exhibitions at the MNK Czartoryski Museum: Palace, Monastery, Gallery of Ancient Art.

Tuesday is the day of free entry to permanent exhibitions at the NMK.

MNK Czartoryski Museum - Collections

  • A set of marble statues purchased by Artur and Zofia Potocki in 1830 in Rome first went to Pałac pod Baranami [Palace under the Rams] in Krakow, then to their family residence in Krzeszowice, and next – in difficult wartime conditions – it was transferred to the Princes Czartoryski Museum and deposited there thanks to the efforts of curator Pelagia Potocka. The collection presents a group of Roman sculptures as well as decorative and sepulchral bas-reliefs, unique in Polish collections. It is complemented with ceramics and bronze items.

    Text by: Dr Dorota Gorzelany – Mediterranean archaeologist, Head of the Ancient Art Department of the National Museum in Krakow.

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    Male torso after Discophoros by Polykleitos, marble, Rome, early 1st century

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    Female torso after Cora by Praxiteles, marble, Rome, Julio-Claudian period

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    Male torso after Doryphoros by Polykleitos, marble, Rome, first half of the 2nd century

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    Statue of Jupiter, marble, Rome, early 3rd century

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    Statue of the river god, marble, Rome, second half of the 2nd century