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Terms and Conditions of Reservations of the National Museum in Kraków

Terms and Conditions of Reservations of the National Museum in Kraków


1.1. These Terms set out the rules of accepting reservations by the National Museum in Krakow with its registered office in Krakow 30-062, at al. 3 Maja 1, registered in the Register of Cultural Institutions under the RIK number: 25 92, NIP: 6750004442, Business Registry Number (REGON): 000275961, hereinafter referred to as the "Museum", for all branches of the Museum with the exception of the Karol Szymanowski Museum in the "Atma" villa in Zakopane.

1.2. The Museum accepts reservations for individuals and for organised groups in accordance with the Museum's offer, which is published on the website: https://mnk.pl/

1.3. The museum indicates which events or services require reservation on the website: https://mnk.pl/

1.4. Reservations may be made by an adult on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of the institution he or she represents.

1.5. Persons or institutions making reservations for services provided by the Museum are hereinafter referred to as “Contracting Parties".



2.1. Reservations for all branches, with the exception of the Karol Szymanowski Museum in "Atma" villa in Zakopane, can only be made by contacting the Information and Reservation Centre, by email at: rezerwacja@mnk.pl or by phone at +48 12 433 57 44

2.2. Reservations are accepted subject to availability.

2.3. At the request of the Contracting Party by e-mail, the Museum can create an electronic reservation order, after payment of which the Contracting Party shall receive electronic tickets in PDF format. In such a case, the rules related to e-ticket sales by the Museum are specified in the ONLINE TICKET SALE RULES OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM IN KRAKOW. By submitting a request for the creation of an electronic order, the Contracting Party accepts the Online Ticket Sale Rules of the National Museum in Krakow.

2.4. Reservations for services requiring a guide or museum educator are accepted no later than 14 days before the planned date of the visit.

2.5. Reservations for services that do not require the additional reservation of a guide or museum educator are accepted on an on-going basis, subject to availability.

2.6. Reservations for the Gallery of 19th Century Polish Art in Sukiennice, the Czartoryski Museum and the Stanisław Wyspiański Museum (EUROPEUM Centre for European Culture) are accepted up to 31 days before the planned date of the visit.

2.7. To make a reservation for an organised group or individuals, please provide the following information:

a) date of visit (date and time)
b) the branch and gallery which the Contracting Party intends to visit
c) type of service requested
d) language in which the service is to be provided
e) size of the group (number of participants and number of group supervisors)
f) age of participants
g) contact details of the Contracting Party (phone, e-mail)
h) in the case of a reservation for an entity which is not a natural person, it is necessary to provide the full name and address of the entity in question as well as the name, surname, contact details of the person representing the entity
i) information on the special needs of the persons participating (e.g. persons with disabilities)
j) additional information (e.g. request for reduction of standard service provision time, etc.)



3.1. The Contracting Party who has made a reservation for services requiring additional reservation of a guide or museum educator shall be sent, at the e-mail address provided by them, a link to a reservation form for educational services provided by the National Museum in Krakow.

3.2. The Contracting Party is required to complete the Online Reservation Form and return it by clicking on the "Send" option.

3.3. The basis for accepting a reservation for the services listed in sec. 3.1. constitutes a fully completed Reservation Form.

3.4. The reservation form must be completed by an adult: the group's supervisor, or the person referred to in sec. 2.7.h, or the person making the reservation individually.

3.5. Reservations for the services listed under sec. 3.1. shall be cancelled if the Contracting Party does not complete the Online Reservation Form within 24 hours of making the reservation. Reservations are confirmed only during the opening hours of the INFORMATION AND RESERVATION CENTRE OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM IN KRAKOW.

3.6. As a result of individual agreement between the Contracting Party and the Information and Reservation Centre of the National Museum in Krakow, the time allowed for filling in the Reservation Form can be extended. The assessment of the possibility of extending the time allowed for filling in the Form is the responsibility of an employee of the Information and Reservation Centre of the National Museum in Krakow.

3.7. An email shall be sent to the Contracting Party who has correctly completed the online Reservation Form to inform them that the reservation process has been completed.

3.8. In the case of reservations that do not require the additional reservation of a guide or museum educator, an e-mail shall be sent to the Contracting Party immediately after reservation by phone or e-mail confirming the reservation.

3.9. In the event of changes to a reservation (e.g. change in group size), the Contracting Party is obliged to inform the Information and Reservation Centre of the changes by phone or e-mail.



4.1. The rules on the permissible size of organised groups in the Museum are determined by safety considerations, conservation considerations and concern for visitor comfort.

4.2. The museum accepts reservations for groups of up to 35 people, with the exception of:

a) Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace, where the maximum size of the group is 25 people.
b) Józef Czapski Pavilion, where the maximum size of the group is 25 people.
c) Stanisław Wyspiański Museum (EUROPEUM Centre for European Culture), where the maximum size of the group is 25 people.
d) The Princes Czartoryski Museum, where the maximum size of the group is 20 people.

4.3. The maximum number of persons specified in sec. 4.2 includes the total number of all tour participants, including group supervisors, city guides and tour guides. Exceeding the permitted number of persons in a group shall result in immediate cancellation of the reservation.

4.4. The number of people in the group declared by the Contracting Party on the Reservation Form should correspond to the actual status. In the event of a larger number of people turning up at the Museum, the guide or museum educator may refuse to provide the service if the change in the group size has not been agreed in advance by the Contracting Party with the Information and Reservation Centre. In the event that more people turn up at the Museum than the number declared by the Contracting Party, the costs previously paid by the Contracting Party shall not be reimbursed.

4.5. Due to the conditions referred to in sec. 4.1. the Museum reserves the right to temporarily establish separate rules regarding the permissible size of organised groups at individual Museum exhibitions.

4.6. The limit for one-off events organised by the Museum is set separately for each event.



5.1. The controller of the personal data provided by the Contracting Party is the National Museum in Krakow.

5.2. Contact details for the Data Protection Officer at the National Museum in Krakow: tel: 12 43 35707, e-mail address: iod@mnk.pl

5.3. The Contracting Party's personal data shall be processed for the purpose of providing the reservation service and contacting the Contracting Party.

5.4. To the extent and subject to exceptions under the law, the Contracting Party shall have the right of access to the content of the data and their rectification, deletion or restriction of processing, as well as the right to object, request the cessation of processing and data portability, and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

5.5. The provision of personal data is voluntary, but necessary to make a reservation. If data is not provided, it shall not be possible to provide the reservation service.

5.6. Personal data is shared with a provider of programming and IT support services on the basis of a data processing outsourcing agreement.

5.7. The data provided by the Contracting Party shall not be shared with third parties. Only institutions authorised by law shall be provided with the data.

5.8. The data provided by the Contracting Party shall not be subject to profiling.

5.9. The Data Controller does not intend to transfer the Contracting Party's personal data to a third country or international organisation.

5.10. Personal data shall be stored for a period of 5 years, starting from the beginning of the year following the year in which the reservation was made.

5.11. Personal data shall be protected and processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the movement of such data (GDPR) and in accordance with the Act of 10 May 2018. on the protection of personal data (i.e. Journal of Laws 2018.1000 of 2018.05.24).

5.12. With separate consent, the Contracting Party's personal data may be used by the Museum for the purposes of forwarding the Newsletter of the National Museum in Krakow and other publications and information containing advertisements in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the movement of such data (RODO) and in accordance with the Act of 10 May 2018. on the protection of personal data (i.e. Journal of Laws 2018.1000 of 2018.05.24).

5.13. The information clause concerning the processing of personal data shall be sent to the Contracting Party at the e-mail address he/she has indicated, together with the notifications automatically sent by the Reservation System.

5.14. The Museum shall not be liable for the consequences of false or misleading personal data provided by the Contracting Party.



6.1. The cost of Museum admission tickets and services is determined by the Museum price list. Information on all fees is published on the Museum website - BRANCHES, HOURS, TICKETS.

6.2. Charges for services shall be made in advance of service provision:

a) by cash or credit card at the branch cash desk, on the day of the service
b) by transfer to the Museum's account before the scheduled service date
c) prior to the scheduled service date via the electronic payment operator, after the creation of the electronic order referred to in sec. 2.3.

6.3. In the case of the Princes Czartoryski Museum and the Stanisław Wyspiański Museum (EUROPEUM Centre for European Culture), reservations must be purchased (according to sec. 6.2.) or collected at the museum ticket office no later than 15 minutes before the reservation deadline. Reservations not purchased or not collected up to 15 minutes before the start time shall be cancelled automatically.

6.4. The Contracting Party should declare their intention to pay by bank transfer or through an electronic payment operator at least two weeks before the planned visit to the Museum and send the necessary invoice data by e-mail to the Information and Reservation Centre: rezerwacja@mnk.pl 

6.5. The date of payment shall be the date on which the amount required for the reserved service is credited to the Museum's account or on which the payment is made at the cash desk.

6.7. The Museum may refuse to provide the service in the absence of confirmation of receipt of the designated amount for the reserved service.

6.8. The Museum shall issue invoices at the request of the Contracting Party, after the Contracting Party has made such a request and provided the data necessary for issuing the invoice. Invoices are issued after payment has been made.

6.9. In the event of a decision by the Director of the National Museum in Krakow:

a) on an increase in ticket prices, the Contracting Party shall pay for the reservation in accordance with the prices applicable on the date of reservation.
b) on a reduction in ticket prices, the Contracting Party shall pay for the reservation in accordance with the prices applicable on the date of issue of the sales document.



7.1. Any cancellation of reservations confirmed by the Reservation Form referred to in sec. 3.1.-3.7. should be notified to the Reservation Centre by phone or e-mail at least one day before the planned visit.

7.2. In the case of failure to give notice of cancellation of reservations confirmed by the Reservation Form, or cancellation later than one day before the agreed date of visit, the Museum shall issue a penalty note to the Contracting Party in the amount of PLN 150. The amount referred to in the first sentence constitutes a contractual penalty for damage caused to the Museum as a result of the cancellation of the service reservation.

7.3. In the event that the Museum declines to provide the service confirmed by the Reservation Form due to a larger number of persons in the group than that stated in the reservation, as referred to in sec. 4.4. due to the Contracting Party's failure to comply with the reservation conditions and the damage caused to the Museum as a result, the Museum shall issue a penalty note to the Contracting Party in the amount of PLN 150.

7.4. The contractual penalty covered by the penalty note must be paid by transfer to the Museum's bank account indicated in the penalty note within 14 days of its issue.



8.1. The Contracting Party is obliged to arrive at the Museum on time. The start time of service provision is the time agreed during the reservation process.

8.2. The waiting time of a guide or museum educator is 30 minutes, with the exception of the Princes Czartoryski Museum and the Stanisław Wyspiański Museum (EUROPEUM Centre of European Culture), for which the procedure described in sec. 6.3. applies.

8.3. In the event that an organised group is more than 30 minutes late or fails to make / collect a reservation at the Princes Czartoryski Museum and the Stanisław Wyspiański Museum (EUROPEUM Centre of European Culture) 15 minutes before the deadline, the Museum reserves the right not to let the group in and to charge the fee mentioned in sec. 7.2.-7.3

8.4. If the reservation is paid in advance in accordance with sec. 6.2. and the group is more than 30 minutes late, or 5 minutes late in the case of the Princes Czartoryski Museum and the Stanisław Wyspiański Museum (EUROPEUM Centre of European Culture), the costs previously paid by the client shall not be refunded. The penalty note shall not be issued.

8.5. If a group is late, the guide or museum educator has the right to shorten the service by the time the group is late.



9.1. The group supervisor is responsible for the safety and behaviour of the group in the Museum and is required to cooperate with the guide or museum educator to maintain group discipline.

9.2. During their stay at the Museum, visitors are required to observe the Regulations for Visiting the National Museum in Krakow - REGULATIONS FOR VISITING THE NATIONAL MUSEUM IN KRAKOW.

9.3. If the behaviour of group members blatantly violates generally accepted rules of behaviour in public places and the Regulations of Visiting the National Museum in Krakow, the guide or museum educator has the right to terminate service provision. In this case, costs previously paid by the Contracting Party shall not be refunded.

9.4. The museum reserves the right to cancel a reservation in exceptional circumstances or, after consultation with the client, to reschedule it for another date.

9.5. The submission of a reservation means acceptance of these Terms.

9.6. The Museum reserves the right to amend the Terms.

9.7. The Terms were drawn up in two language versions: Polish and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the language versions of the Terms, the Polish language version shall prevail.

9.8. In matters not regulated in the Terms, the provisions of the law shall apply, in particular the Civil Code Act, the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the flow of such data (GDPR), as well as the Civil Code and the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (i.e. Journal of Laws 2018.1000 of 2018.05.24), and, with regard to natural persons performing actions not directly related to their economic or professional activity, the provisions of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 134), in particular, on the basis of Article 38(12) of the provisions referred to, the right of withdrawal from an off-premises or distance agreements shall not be granted to the consumer in respect of agreements for the provision of cultural services.

9.9. These Terms shall be effective as of 25 September 2023.


In case of doubt, information and clarification can be obtained from the Information and Reservation Centre by phone, on working days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at + 48 12 433 57 44, or by email at: rezerwacja@mnk.pl .