The "All Saints project in the NMK" involves digitization of the priceless collection of prints featuring images of saints, depictions of the Virgin Mary and the now forgotten patrons.
Here are the first results of digitization.
Saint Hedwig, Duchess of Silesia, reconciling her husband, Henry the Bearded, with Konrad – Duke of Mazovia extract from Tygodnik ilustrowany [The Weekly Illustrated], 1874, wood engraving
Our Lady of the Rosary – the Image of Our Lady of the Rosary in the Dominican Church in Krakow 1861, lithograph
San Giovanni della Croce Confessore Saint John of the Cross, believer, from: Romualdo Gentilucci, "Il Perfetto Leggendario ovvero vite de ́Santi per ciascun giorno dell ́anno ...", v. 11 (24 November), Rome 1841 (?), aquatint (brown paint)
Triumph of the Great Virgin, Conceived without Sin title page of the work by Dominik Korwin Kochanowski, 1669, copperplate
Saint Jude the Apostle, the reverse features a Song to Saint Jude the Apostle 1746 – printed in 1856 (?); woodcut
Saint Hedwig finding the body of her son on the battlefield near Legnica 1867; wood engraving; newsprint paper
Saint Teresa of Avila with the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph Italy; 1812, etching
Blessed John Grande the Sinner Rome, 1780, etching
Saint Teresa Prague; first half of the 19th century; stipple engraving, copperplate tinted with watercolours
Mystical nuptials of Saint Catherine of Alexandria Our Lady with the Child and the saints; Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588);
Italy, 1582, copperplate
Virgin Mary – view of the Dominican Church burnt in 1850 Souvenir of W.X.Feliks Wincenty Podlewski's first Mass celebrated as a priest 1873,
Krakow; 1873, steel engraving; paper