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Fascinating Tamara. Visiting the exhibition of Tamara Łempicka with a guide

Fascinating Tamara. Visiting the exhibition of Tamara Łempicka with a guide

MNK The Main Building

al. 3 Maja 1
4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Tamara Łempicka, a woman of remarkable beauty, shining in salons in Europe and the United States, appearing on the covers of magazines and enchanting the world with her art. How did she achieved international success? Where did her unique style come from? Was there a shy girl from Central Europe who had to flee the war twice in her life, hidden under the mask of a cold bussines-women and a famme fatale? Visiting the exhibition with a guide will provide answers to these questions. The exhibition presents over 30 oil paintings from various periods of the artist's work, as well as films and photographs, which show that the greatest work of Tamama Łempicka was her own image.

During the tour we will use the tour guide system, you can bring your own headphones with a minijack plug or use the headphones provided by the museum.

Tickets (80 PLN),  available online

The ticket includes entry to the exhibition in a group of 15 people and with a guide. Duration of the tour: 60 min.

Keywords: Tamara Łempicka