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Announcement of the National Museum in Krakow

Announcement of the National Museum in Krakow

10 September 2015 saw a meeting in the office of Zofia Gołubiew, the Director of the National Museum in Krakow, devoted to the initiation of cooperation regarding the takeover of the function of the Museum Director by Dr Andrzej Betlej in January 2016.
In addition to the current Director of the National Museum in Krakow – Zofia Gołubiew, and Dr Andrzej Betlej – the newly appointed Director who will begin his term on 1 January 2016, the meeting was attended by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage – Prof. Małgorzata Omilanowska, the Director of the Department of Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage – Jacek Miler, Chairman of the Museum Board at the National Museum in Krakow – Prof. Franciszek Ziejka, Deputy Director of the Political Office of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, and the Deputy Directors of the National Museum in Krakow: Marek Świca and Janusz Czop.

Minister Margaret Omilanowska emphasized the achievements of Director Zofia Gołubiew, who is finishing her service at the Museum, including, among others, the efficient use of European funds, resulting in the museum facelift after many years of neglect. The Minister expressed her thanks to Director Zofia Gołubiew for all her professional achievements at the Museum.

A long-time Chairman of the Museum Board at the National Museum in Krakow – Prof. Franciszek Ziejka confirmed the excellent appraisal of Director Z. Gołubiew's work expressed in Minister Omilanowska'a speech, and emphasized the merits and professionalism of the team of Deputy Directors of the Museum, created at the museum over the past few years. In addition, he spoke about the importance of the key investment projects planned by the Museum for the next few years – the reconstruction of the Main Building and construction of the Conservation and Storage Centre.

Minister Omilanowska introduced Dr Andrzej Betlej, whom she appointed to the role of the NMK Director, beginning from 1 January 2016 and asked him to familiarize himself with the activities, tasks and structure of the Museum, emphasizing in particular the significance of the projects planned for 2016, namely the exhibition of works from European museums titled Maria. Mater Misericordiae, which will accompany the World Youth Days in Krakow, and the completion of the project titled “The Construction of the Józef Czapski Pavilion at the National Museum in Krakow”.

Dr Andrzej Betlej, appointed to the role of the Director as from 1 January 2016, thanked for the expressed trust and declared that he will regard the work at the National Museum in Krakow as his priority, and asked for help in assuming his obligations at the Museum.

Director Zofia Gołubiew thanked for the presented evaluation of her achievements for the Museum and the work of her entire management group, highlighted the merits of her predecessor – Director Tadeusz Chruścicki, and promised assistance in introducing her successor to the responsibilities of the Museum Director.