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You Can Never Be Bored Us

You Can Never Be Bored Us

The cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations were invited to take part in English courses and workshops covering the vocabulary related to fundraising.
This interesting offer was directed at all organizations that have responded to our questionnaire about the challenges and requirements related to fundraising.

Each organization could attend a 30-hour language course whose vocabulary focused on programme documents, application preparation, use of the database of potential project partners, and financial instruments.

In addition, three language workshops were planned:
  1. Language of Meetings
  2. Presentations Skills
  3. Successful Negotiations
Participants were exposed to the special vocabulary associated with fundraising. By completing the successive stages of application preparation and the related procedures the not only improve their language skills, but also develop self-confidence and openness in applying for international grants.

The project "Yes, You Can!" is implemented with the financial support of the European Commission.

Keywords: ddd projects, ddd European funds, ddd Yes You Can