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Constitution of the Third of May. The Four-Year Sejm. Education Commission. Partition. A.D. 1795

Constitution of the Third of May. The Four-Year Sejm. Education Commission. Partition. A.D. 1795

The exquisite hall of Warsaw Castle at dusk.

In a niche, half covered by a curtain decorated with the Ciołek coat of arms, on a mirrored satin sofa rests the fatigued king, Stanisław August, clad in a golden dressing gown.

Bacciarelli, a new student of the art of national-historical painting of Smuglewicz, presents protectors and sciences and all the arts of liberated experts. The portfolio of drawings and the painting on the easel will reliably ensure the young artist a period of education abroad. Canaletti evaluates the merits of the painting with the help of glasses - Chodowiecki, Czechowicz and Norblin, in the company of the chamberlain, seem to share the favourable opinion of the eminent foreigner.

The Primate, although presiding over the commission, does not believe in its effects, because - Luccesini leaning over, whispers to Prince Repnin - it's time!

Above the king, a mirror reflects the opposite wall of the hall with the portrait of King Jan, and reveals the now indifferent plenipotentiary of the Viennese court.

Repnin throws down the gauntlet - he puts his finger on the pendulum of the historical clock beneath the marble bust of the empress - and with a muddy shoe knocks over a chair from which flowers, prepared by the nation, scattered on the floor of the future civilisation. Withered - what remains is a book of penitential psalms - and further - on the imitation of Christ.


Task: Jan Matejko
Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage