pointdata[338] = {"type":null,"hours":[{"id":"60","exhibition_id":"338","hours":null,"stat":false,"ord":"3","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:27:28","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:33","Translation":{"en":{"id":"60","day":"Tuesday-Friday ","hours_o":"12 am - 7 pm","lang":"en","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:27:28","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:27:28"},"pl":{"id":"60","day":"wtorek-pi\u0105tek","hours_o":"12:00-19:00","lang":"pl","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:27:28","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:27:28"}}},{"id":"61","exhibition_id":"338","hours":null,"stat":false,"ord":"2","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:28:37","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:33","Translation":{"en":{"id":"61","day":"Saturday-Sunday","hours_o":"12 am - 5 pm","lang":"en","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:28:37","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:28:37"},"pl":{"id":"61","day":"sobota-niedziela","hours_o":"12:00-17:00","lang":"pl","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:28:37","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:28:37"}}},{"id":"62","exhibition_id":"338","hours":null,"stat":false,"ord":"1","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:30","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:33","Translation":{"en":{"id":"62","day":"1.11.2020","hours_o":"closed","lang":"en","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:30","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:30"},"pl":{"id":"62","day":"1.11.2020","hours_o":"nieczynne","lang":"pl","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:30","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:29:30"}}}],"item":{"id":"338","branch_id":999,"type":"temporary","titleSize":"normal","textAuthor":"","file":"images\/upload\/wystawy\/czasowe\/2020\/vistula\/Poster-ASP-Vistula.jpg","icon_eye":"0","icon_ear":"0","icon_wheelchair":"0","icon_baby":"0","icon_coffee":"0","icon_wifi":"0","icon_nophoto":"0","date_from":"2020-10-21","date_to":"2020-11-03","stat":true,"ord":"360","ticketType":"","ticketLink":"","visitingTime":"","onlyOnList":"0","template_type":"enhanced","file_foto":"","show_date":"0","archived":"1","archive_ord":"392","branch_alter":"1","map_lat":"","map_lng":"","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:05:31","updated_at":"2024-04-12 09:16:29","Translation":{"en":{"id":"338","title":"The Vistula is burning","place":"","lead":"The weather as we know it does not exist anymore so the time of conscious self-enmeshment has come. We reach for the figure of the burning water as something both unusual and stunning; a metaphor of what may happen after the ice sheet melts down, the acidification of oceans rises, soils dry out and following many other signs in the panorama of this beautiful world, which is going extinct before our very eyes but which we still can save before the rivers flame up. The Vistula is Burning is an alarm that tolls the end of the well-known order. We are bringing up the longest Polish river because like Andri Sn\u00e6r Magnason, the author of On Time and Water, we are confident that in order to see a big picture of a problem we need to experience it locally. What is required to ease off \"the shock of the future\" is think of a strategy of survival for an individual, micro-environments and entire society. Phenomena that are hard to comprehend emerge like viscous hyper-objects.","text":"Although environmental catastrophe gives us sleepless nights we are beginning to have an inkling of the bright side of what may happen after the chaos. The ecological crisis has made its presence in popular awareness felt strongly enough and has become part and parcel of our experience big enough to trigger an unusual reaction of imagination. It has given rise to a narrative style that penetrates language intensely in order to locate cultural references and metaphors for what is impenetrable but real.
For many people, accessible knowledge is till too abstract and distant. We are part of a larger whole and our small decisions are consequential globally. We have a feeling that artistic activity might be helpful in confrontation with this overwhelming and complex knowledge. The artists who have contributed to this exhibition are careful observers of the rapid change. They are pondering on what the weather used to be and what its new version will be. With them we are looking at the burning horizon (Bigaj), feel nostalgia for the ordinary rains of yore (Vogl). Like Timothy Morton we see ourselves, our activities and works as part of nature. We look tenderly at objects, beings, creatures, and beasts (Vogl, Gromilovi\u0107). Standing in front of the Cities mosaic in an office of the Orbis travel agent at the Cracovia Hotel, we draft our plans for new travels (Radoji\u010di\u0107 and Kolaric). The performance accompanying the opening of the exhibition (Cvetkovi\u0107) puts us face to face with our uncertainty and ignorance in view of pending threats. Zuza Banasi\u0144ska is encouraging us to reflect on strategies of annexing lands and information pollution. We are presenting a study of fake news (Skrobiszewska), consumption of non-renewable resources and appropriation of lunar territories (Lazar).


Yet we would hate to develop only catastrophic visions; instead, we are looking for an Ark of today as some non-material, spiritual space that can save life on earth (Gudrich). We are sharing our hopes for a solution to our earthly problems with young people of the past (Banasi\u0144ska). By looking carefully we discover that the sun is lighter above the horizon (Petrovi\u0107), and our perception is plastic. A clash of two elements, the burning water in the title of the exhibition may lead to a rebirth.


Artists: Zuza Banasi\u0144ska, Michalina Bigaj, Luka Cvetkovi\u0107, Davor Gromilovi\u0107, Lea Gudrich, Magdalena Lazar, Tijana Petrovi\u0107, Emilija Radoji\u010di\u0107 i Mario Kolari\u0107, Katarzyna Skrobiszewska, Johannes Vogl.


Curators: Magdalena Lazar, Katarzyna Skrobiszewska


Organised in partnership with the National Museum in Krakow in the former Cracovia Hotel, the exhibition follows up on the Krakow art professors' project \"Degree of Non-Cognition\". It is part of the \u201cNature Is My Homeland\u201d project run at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and financed by NAWA. It features works by artists from the project partner countries: Serbia, Germany, Poland and the U.S.A. .","alt":null,"tags":"Vistula, Cracovia","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"Former Cracovia Hotel","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"Al. Focha 1","lang":"en","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:05:31","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:56:52","slug":"the-vistula-is-burning"},"pl":{"id":"338","title":"Vistula is burning","place":"","lead":"Dawna pogoda ju\u017c nie istnieje, wi\u0119c nastaje czas \u015bwiadomo\u015bci w\u0142asnego uwik\u0142ania. Si\u0119gamy po figur\u0119 p\u0142on\u0105cej wody jako zjawiska niezwyk\u0142ego i wprawiaj\u0105cego w os\u0142upienie. Jest dla nas metafor\u0105 tego, co mog\u0142oby si\u0119 wydarzy\u0107 po topniej\u0105cych lodowcach, zakwaszonych oceanach, wysuszonej glebie i wielu innych znakach w panoramie pi\u0119knego, gin\u0105cego na naszych oczach \u015bwiata \u2013 \u015bwiata, kt\u00f3ry wci\u0105\u017c mo\u017cemy ocali\u0107, zanim zap\u0142on\u0105 rzeki. Wis\u0142a si\u0119 pali \u2013 to alarm obwieszczaj\u0105cy koniec porz\u0105dku, kt\u00f3ry znamy. Przywo\u0142ujemy najd\u0142u\u017csz\u0105 polsk\u0105 rzek\u0119, gdy\u017c podobnie jak Andri Sn\u00e6r Magnason (autor ksi\u0105\u017cki O czasie i wodzie) \u017cywimy przekonanie, \u017ce aby zrozumie\u0107 problem w szerszym spektrum, musimy go do\u015bwiadczy\u0107 lokalnie.","text":"Z\u0142agodzenie \u201epora\u017cenia przysz\u0142o\u015bci\u0105\u201d wymaga zastanowienia si\u0119 nad strategi\u0105 przetrwania jednostki, mikro\u015brodowisk i ca\u0142ego spo\u0142ecze\u0144stwa. Ujawniaj\u0105 si\u0119 zjawiska trudne do poj\u0119cia, lepkie i hiperobiektowe.

Mimo \u017ce katastrofa ekologiczna sp\u0119dza nam sen z powiek, zaczynamy stopniowo przeczuwa\u0107 jasne strony tego, co mo\u017ce si\u0119 wydarzy\u0107 po chaosie. Kryzys ekologiczny sta\u0142 si\u0119 na tyle obecnym w naszej \u015bwiadomo\u015bci i nieod\u0142\u0105cznym do\u015bwiadczeniem, \u017ce sprowokowa\u0142 niezwyk\u0142\u0105 reakcj\u0119 wyobra\u017ani. Pojawia si\u0119 taki styl narracji, kt\u00f3ra intensywnie penetruje j\u0119zyk w celu lokalizacji kulturowych wzorc\u00f3w i metafor dla tego, co nieprzenikliwe, a realne.

Dla wielu ludzi dost\u0119pna wiedza nadal jest zbyt abstrakcyjna i odleg\u0142a, a stanowimy cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 wi\u0119kszej ca\u0142o\u015bci i nasze drobne decyzje odbijaj\u0105 si\u0119 w skali globalnej. Mamy poczucie, \u017ce dzia\u0142ania tw\u00f3rc\u00f3w mog\u0142yby si\u0119 sta\u0107 pomoc\u0105 w konfrontacji ze zbyt trudn\u0105 i z\u0142o\u017con\u0105 wiedz\u0105.

Arty\u015bci bior\u0105cy udzia\u0142 w wystawie s\u0105 uwa\u017cnymi obserwatorami gwa\u0142townych zmian. Zastanawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 nad tym, czym by\u0142a stara pogoda oraz jaka b\u0119dzie jej nowa wersja. Wraz z nimi przygl\u0105damy si\u0119 p\u0142on\u0105cemu horyzontowi (Bigaj) czy t\u0119sknocie za zwyk\u0142ym, dawnym deszczem (Vogl). Podobnie jak Timothy Morton widzimy nas, nasze dzia\u0142ania i wytwory jako cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 natury. Ogl\u0105damy obiekty, stwory i stworzenia z czu\u0142o\u015bci\u0105 (Vogl, Gromilovi\u0107).

Stoj\u0105c w biurze Orbis przed mozaik\u0105 \u201eMiasta\u201d, opracowujemy plany naszych nowych podr\u00f3\u017cy (Radoji\u010di\u0107 i Kolari\u0107). Towarzysz\u0105cy otwarciu wystawy performance (Cvetkovi\u0107) konfrontuje nas z nasz\u0105 niepewno\u015bci\u0105 i niewiedz\u0105 w obliczu zagro\u017ce\u0144. Do podj\u0119cia refleksji nad strategiami anektowania terytori\u00f3w i ska\u017ceniami informacj\u0105 zach\u0119ca Zuza Banasi\u0144ska. Prezentujemy analiz\u0119 dezinformacji (Skrobiszewska), zu\u017cywania zasob\u00f3w nieodnawialnych oraz zaw\u0142aszczania teren\u00f3w srebrnego globu (Lazar).

Jednak nie chcemy snu\u0107 jedynie katastroficznych wizji, lecz szukamy wsp\u00f3\u0142czesnej arki jako przestrzeni niematerialnej, duchowej, kt\u00f3ra jest w stanie uratowa\u0107 \u017cycie na Ziemi (Gudrich). Nadziej\u0119 na rozwi\u0105zanie naszych ziemskich problem\u00f3w dzielimy z m\u0142odzie\u017c\u0105 z przesz\u0142o\u015bci (Banasi\u0144ska). Patrzymy uwa\u017cnie i dzi\u0119ki temu wiemy, \u017ce s\u0142o\u0144ce jest l\u017cejsze nad horyzontem (Petrovi\u0107), a nasza percepcja jest plastyczna. Tytu\u0142owa p\u0142on\u0105ca woda jako zderzenie dw\u00f3ch \u017cywio\u0142\u00f3w mo\u017ce sta\u0107 si\u0119 rodzajem nowych narodzin.


Arty\u015bci: Zuza Banasi\u0144ska, Michalina Bigaj, Luka Cvetkovi\u0107, Davor Gromilovi\u0107, Lea Gudrich, Magdalena Lazar, Tijana Petrovi\u0107, Emilija Radoji\u010di\u0107 i Mario Kolari\u0107, Katarzyna Skrobiszewska, Johannes Vogl.


Kuratorki: Magdalena Lazar, Katarzyna Skrobiszewska

Wystawa zorganizowana w partnerstwie z Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie w dawnym hotelu Cracovia to kontynuacja projektu krakowskich pedagog\u00f3w pt. \u201eStopie\u0144 niepoznania\u201d. Odbywa si\u0119 w ramach projektu \u201eNature is My Homeland\u201d ASP w Krakowie finansowanego przez NAWA. Bior\u0105 w niej udzia\u0142 arty\u015bci z kraj\u00f3w partnerskich projektu, Serbii, Niemiec, Polski i USA. Wystawa organizowana w ramach Cracow Art Week KRAKERS 2020 @KRAKERS.","alt":null,"tags":"Vistula, Cracovia","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"Dawny Hotel Cracovia","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"Al. Focha 1","lang":"pl","created_at":"2020-10-19 10:05:31","updated_at":"2020-10-19 10:56:52","slug":"vistula-is-burning"}},"Branch":{"id":0,"classname":"branch_alter","map_lng":"","map_lat":"","Translation":{"pl":{"acronym":"","title":"Dawny Hotel Cracovia","titleShort":"Dawny Hotel Cracovia","address":"Al. Focha 1","lang":"pl"},"en":{"acronym":"","title":"Former Cracovia Hotel","titleShort":"Former Cracovia Hotel","address":"Al. Focha 1","lang":"en"}}}},"tags":[],"cycleName":null}