pointdata[249] = {"type":null,"hours":[],"item":{"id":"249","branch_id":999,"type":"temporary","titleSize":"small","textAuthor":"dr Dorota Gorzelany","file":"images\/upload\/wystawy\/czasowe\/2017\/Antyk_okiem_kolekcjonera\/Antyk_fotogaleria\/antyk_slajder_1500.jpg","icon_eye":"0","icon_ear":"0","icon_wheelchair":"0","icon_baby":"0","icon_coffee":"0","icon_wifi":"0","icon_nophoto":"0","date_from":"2017-09-20","date_to":"2019-12-31","stat":true,"ord":"334","ticketType":"link","ticketLink":"","visitingTime":"","onlyOnList":"0","template_type":"enhanced","file_foto":"","show_date":"0","archived":"1","archive_ord":"391","branch_alter":"1","map_lat":"50.034430018291395","map_lng":"20.21759033203125","created_at":"2017-09-05 10:24:34","updated_at":"2024-04-12 09:16:29","Translation":{"en":{"id":"249","title":"I find ancient times very beautiful. Antiquity seen by a collector","place":"","lead":"The exhibition \"I find ancient times very beautiful. Antiquity seen by a collector\" includes works from three Krakow collections: the Princes Czartoryski Museum, the Potocki Palace in Krzeszowice and the National Museum in Krakow.","text":"The objects are placed in two rooms, representing the sphere of women and men, both in the world of people and gods. Mythological world pervades the real world, creating a unified whole in the way it was perceived in the ancient times. The first room is devoted to showing different aspects of the men's world. The group of sculptures includes marble copies of bronze Roman statues of the Discophorus and the Doryphoros by Polyclitus, one of the most important Greek sculptors from the Classical Period (5th century BC). These are accompanied by a statue of Mercury, an example of 19th-century reconstruction activities, and a sculpture which once was used as a fountain decoration depicting the god of a river and a boy with an amphora. Items gathered into display cases depict the Egyptian gods Amon, Osiris, and Serapes, as well as mortals in the process of offering a sacrifice, standing before the face of the god and fulfilling their public functions. In the group of warriors, there are Assyrian and Roman reliefs, as well as Greek vases decorated with scenes of battles and a pyrrhic war dance. The sporting and martial motifs are combined in the displayed head of Heracles, the most important Greek hero. The other group of objects is of Dionysian character. Those are marionettes and figures of actors, representations of a dead person feasting in the beyond, a fragment of a relief with the scene of making a sacrifice. Representations of cupids on Roman sarcophagi is related to the Dionysian sphere, they show the passing of human life and the hopes of eternal life - in a symbolic scene with a hare.
At the background of a fragment of Landscape with Classical Ruins and Figures by Marc and Sebastian Rossi (1725-1730), there is a Roman statue of a sleeping nymph, forest half-goddess. This room shows depictions of goddesses \u2013 Isis, Aphrodite, and Dianna, as well as portraits of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan women. They represent maternal care, concern for beauty, and the independent aspect of the female spirit. Some of the women hold mirrors or fans; others, a basket, a tambourine or the musical instrument known as a sistrum \u2013 objects indicating involvement in religious activities. The beauty of a woman was thought to be a well-cared-for appearance. Cosmetic utensils were made from a variety of materials and were artistically shaped. They were used to prepare and preserve lipsticks or fragrant ointments. These items are accompanied by jewelry \u2013 including some costly items, like gold, and some cheaper items like ceramics. Among them are a delicate bracelet decorated by the Etruscan method of filigree and granulation, as well as commonly worn necklaces made of glass which could also be used as a musical instrument called the menit. The practice of decorating marble sculptures with metallic elements is represented in an example of Aphrodite\u2019s head with a golden earring.
Among the objects at the exhibition, there are those of highest value, but also a few fakes, whose presence in the 19th-century museum collections is a natural effect of the development of collection market, buyers' interest in antique objects, and shaping of the knowledge about works of art. Those fake objects show the virtuosity of craftsmen and the difficult choice that the buyer of antique objects had in the 19th century.","alt":null,"tags":"Antique","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"","lang":"en","created_at":"2017-09-05 10:24:34","updated_at":"2018-11-13 11:30:07","slug":"114"},"pl":{"id":"249","title":"Znajduj\u0119 staro\u017cytno\u015bci bardzo pi\u0119kne. Antyk okiem kolekcjonera","place":"","lead":"Wystawa \"Znajduj\u0119 staro\u017cytno\u015bci bardzo pi\u0119kne. Antyk okiem kolekcjonera\" obejmuje zbiory pochodz\u0105ce z trzech krakowskich kolekcji: Muzeum Ksi\u0105\u017c\u0105t Czartoryskich, Rodziny Potockich z Krzeszowic i Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie.","text":"Zabytki rozmieszczone w dw\u00f3ch salach oddaj\u0105 ide\u0119 sfery kobiecej i m\u0119skiej zar\u00f3wno w \u015bwiecie ludzi, jak i bog\u00f3w. \u015awiat mitologiczny przenika si\u0119 ze \u015bwiatem doczesnym tworz\u0105c sp\u00f3jn\u0105 ca\u0142o\u015b\u0107 w spos\u00f3b, w jaki postrzegano je w staro\u017cytno\u015bci. Pierwsza sala po\u015bwi\u0119cona jest ukazaniu r\u00f3\u017cnych aspekt\u00f3w \u015bwiata m\u0119\u017cczyzn. W grupie rze\u017ab znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 marmurowe kopie rzymskie br\u0105zowych pos\u0105g\u00f3w atlet\u00f3w Dyskoforosa i Doryforosa Polikleta, jednego z najwa\u017cniejszych rze\u017abiarzy greckich okresu klasycznego (V wiek p.n.e.). Towarzyszy im rze\u017aba Merkurego, przyk\u0142ad XIX-wiecznej dzia\u0142alno\u015bci rekonstrukcyjnej, oraz zdobi\u0105cy niegdy\u015b fontann\u0119 pos\u0105g boga rzeki i ch\u0142opca z amfork\u0105. Zabytki zgrupowane w gablotach pokazuj\u0105 wyobra\u017cenia bog\u00f3w egipskich \u2013 Amona, Ozyrysa, Serapisa \u2013 a tak\u017ce \u015bmiertelnik\u00f3w podczas sk\u0142adania ofiary, stoj\u0105cych przed obliczem boga i pe\u0142ni\u0105cych funkcje publiczne. W grupie wyobra\u017ce\u0144 wojownik\u00f3w znajduje si\u0119 asyryjski i rzymski relief a tak\u017ce greckie wazy dekorowane scenami walki i ta\u0144ca wojennego pyrriche. W\u0105tek sportowy i wojenny \u0142\u0105czy przedstawienie g\u0142owy Heraklesa, najwa\u017cniejszego herosa greckiego. Drugi zesp\u00f3\u0142 obiekt\u00f3w ma charakter dionizyjski. S\u0105 to marionetki i figurki aktor\u00f3w, wyobra\u017cenia zmar\u0142ego ucztuj\u0105cego w za\u015bwiatach, fragment reliefu ze scen\u0105 sk\u0142adania ofiary. Przedstawienia amork\u00f3w na sarkofagach rzymskich wi\u0105\u017c\u0105 si\u0119 ze sfer\u0105 dionizyjsk\u0105, ukazuj\u0105 przemijanie \u017cycia ludzkiego i nadzieje na \u017cycie wieczne - w symbolicznej scenie z zaj\u0105cem.

Na tle fragmentu Krajobrazu z antycznymi ruinami i rze\u017abami Marca i Sebastiana Ricci (1725-1730) o\u015b wystawy akcentuje rzymski pos\u0105g \u015bpi\u0105cej nimfy, le\u015bnej p\u00f3\u0142bogini. W sali tej zgromadzono przedstawienia bogi\u0144 \u2013 Izydy, Afrodyty, Diany oraz portrety Egipcjanek, Greczynek, Rzymianek i Etruski. Prezentuj\u0105 one matczyn\u0105 opiek\u0119, dba\u0142o\u015b\u0107 o pi\u0119kno i niezale\u017cny aspekt duszy kobiecej. Jedne kobiety trzymaj\u0105 lustro lub wachlarz, inne kosz, tamburyn czy instrument muzyczny sistrum \u2013 przedmioty wskazuj\u0105ce na udzia\u0142 w czynno\u015bciach kultowych. Pi\u0119kno kobiety postrzegano jako zadbany wygl\u0105d. Przedmioty kosmetyczne wykonywano z r\u00f3\u017cnych materia\u0142\u00f3w nadaj\u0105c im czasami plastyczn\u0105 form\u0119. Wykorzystywano je do przygotowywania i przechowywania szminek czy pachn\u0105cych balsam\u00f3w. Zabytkom tym towarzyszy bi\u017cuteria, zar\u00f3wno kosztowna - z\u0142ota, jak i tania - fajansowa. W\u015br\u00f3d nich znajduje si\u0119 bransoleta misternie dekorowana przez rzemie\u015blnika etruskiego metod\u0105 filigranu i granulacji oraz powszechnie noszone naszyjniki z masy szklanej, kt\u00f3rych po\u0142\u0105czone sznurki tworzy\u0142y instrument muzyczny menat. G\u0142\u00f3wka Afrodyty ze z\u0142otym kolczykiem jest przyk\u0142adem zdobienia marmurowych rze\u017ab elementami metalowymi.

W\u015br\u00f3d zabytk\u00f3w na wystawie znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 obiekty najwy\u017cszej jako\u015bci, ale te\u017c kilka falsyfikat\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rych obecno\u015b\u0107 w XIX-wiecznych zbiorach muzealnych jest naturalnym efektem rozwoju rynku kolekcjonerskiego, zainteresowania nabywc\u00f3w zabytkami antycznymi i kszta\u0142towania si\u0119 wiedzy o dzie\u0142ach sztuki. Kopie te ukazuj\u0105 kunszt rzemie\u015blnik\u00f3w i jednocze\u015bnie trudno\u015b\u0107 wyboru, przed jakim stawa\u0142 nabywca przedmiot\u00f3w staro\u017cytnych w XIX wieku.

Wi\u0119cej informacji na\u00a0temat\u00a0cen\u00a0bilet\u00f3w i godzin otwarcia wystawy na oficjalnej stronie internetowej Muzeum w Niepo\u0142omicach<\/a>.<\/strong>","alt":null,"tags":"sztuka staro\u017cytna, kolekcja Ksi\u0105\u017c\u0105t Czartoryskich, antyk, Zamek Kr\u00f3lewski w Niepo\u0142omicach ","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"Zamek Kr\u00f3lewski w Niepo\u0142omicach","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"ul. Zamkowa 2, 32-005 Niepo\u0142omice","lang":"pl","created_at":"2017-09-05 10:24:34","updated_at":"2018-11-21 12:06:36","slug":"znajduje-starozytnosci-bardzo-piekne-antyk-okiem-kolekcjonera"}},"Branch":{"id":0,"classname":"branch_alter","map_lng":"20.21759033203125","map_lat":"50.034430018291395","Translation":{"pl":{"acronym":"","title":"Zamek Kr\u00f3lewski w Niepo\u0142omicach","titleShort":"Zamek Kr\u00f3lewski w Niepo\u0142omicach","address":"ul. Zamkowa 2, 32-005 Niepo\u0142omice","lang":"pl"},"en":{"acronym":"","title":"","titleShort":"","address":"","lang":"en"}}}},"tags":[],"cycleName":null}