pointdata[247] = {"type":null,"hours":[],"item":{"id":"247","branch_id":999,"type":"temporary","titleSize":"small","textAuthor":"Urszula Kozakowska-Zaucha","file":"images\/upload\/wystawy\/czasowe\/2017\/Napoleon_Orda\/Napoleon_Orda_1200.jpg","icon_eye":"0","icon_ear":"0","icon_wheelchair":"0","icon_baby":"0","icon_coffee":"0","icon_wifi":"0","icon_nophoto":"0","date_from":"2017-09-15","date_to":"2017-12-03","stat":true,"ord":"278","ticketType":"","ticketLink":"","visitingTime":"","onlyOnList":"0","template_type":"standard","file_foto":"","show_date":"0","archived":"1","archive_ord":"300","branch_alter":"1","map_lat":"53.92375094101389","map_lng":"27.57568359375","created_at":"2017-08-02 08:59:08","updated_at":"2021-01-19 17:33:38","Translation":{"en":{"id":"247","title":"Napoleon Orda (1807\u20131883). Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Country","place":"National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus","lead":"Exhibition at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus from the Collection of the National Museum in Krakow","text":"Napoleon Orda (1807\u20131883) belongs to the most interesting names in Polish art of the 19th century. The artist left behind a huge legacy: more than 1,000 drawings and watercolours depicting places visited in the years 1840\u20131880 during his artistic journeys, first across France, the Rhineland, Spain and Portugal, then around the Governorates of Grodno, Volhynia, Minsk, Kaunas, Vitebsk, Vilnius and Mogilev, the Grand Duchy of Posen, West Prussia and Galicia. From this output, 260 works were printed in the Album of Historical Views of Poland Dedicated to Fellow Countrymen, published in eight portfolios in the years 1873\u20131883.

Orda focused not only on the picturesqueness of landscapes and sites, but most of all on the historical and emotional importance of the painted views, hence the presence of so many significant places in his works. He did not limit his scope to sacral or representative architecture or picturesque ruins, but depicted \u2013 a controversial novelty at the time \u2013 industrial objects: factories, sugar refineries, mills or fulling mills. He also distanced himself from the traditional canon of beauty that required embellishment and idealization, and decided for truthful representation that did not leave out any potentially disfiguring details. His well-thought-out approach to colour schemes permitted him to capture colours characteristic of particular regions.

The year 2017 marks the 210th birthday anniversary of the artist, offering the perfect occasion for the exhibition Napoleon Orda (1807\u20131883). Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Country, presenting 110 drawings and watercolours depicting views that are historically and emotionally important for both Poles and Belarusians.

It is the first such an extensive presentation of Napoleon Orda\u2019s works outside Poland and the first such an extensive exhibition in Belarus. The presented works come from the collections of the National Museum in Krakow which holds the largest set of drawings and watercolours by Napoleon Orda.","alt":null,"tags":"Napoleon Orda, National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"","lang":"en","created_at":"2017-08-02 08:59:08","updated_at":"2017-09-04 11:41:49","slug":"napoleon-orda-1807-1883-illustrated-encyclopaedia-of-the-country"},"pl":{"id":"247","title":"Napoleon Orda. Ilustrowana encyklopedia kraju","place":"","lead":"Wystawa w Narodowym Muzeum Sztuki Republiki Bia\u0142orusi w Mi\u0144sku z kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie.","text":"Napoleon Orda (1807\u20131883) nale\u017cy do grona najciekawszych indywidualno\u015bci polskiej sztuki XIX wieku. Artysta pozostawi\u0142 ogromny dorobek \u2013 ponad 1000 rysunk\u00f3w i akwarel ukazuj\u0105cych widoki miejsc, kt\u00f3re w latach 1840\u20131880 odwiedzi\u0142 podczas artystycznych podr\u00f3\u017cy, najpierw po Francji, Nadrenii, Hiszpanii i Portugalii, potem po guberni grodzie\u0144skiej, wo\u0142y\u0144skiej, mi\u0144skiej, kowie\u0144skiej, witebskiej, wile\u0144skiej i mohylewskiej, a tak\u017ce Wielkim Ksi\u0119stwie Pozna\u0144skim, Prusach Zachodnich i Galicji. Dwie\u015bcie sze\u015b\u0107dziesi\u0105t z tych prac ukaza\u0142o si\u0119 w Albumie widok\u00f3w historycznych Polski wydanym w o\u015bmiu seriach w latach 1873\u20131883.

Orda zwraca\u0142 uwag\u0119 nie tylko na malowniczo\u015b\u0107 portretowanych miejsc, ale przede wszystkim na znaczenie malowanych motyw\u00f3w, st\u0105d w jego dorobku jest wiele widok\u00f3w miejsc wa\u017cnych ze wzgl\u0119d\u00f3w historycznych lub patriotycznych. Nie ogranicza\u0142 si\u0119 wy\u0142\u0105cznie do architektury sakralnej, reprezentacyjnej czy malowniczych ruin, uwiecznia\u0142 r\u00f3wnie\u017c obiekty przemys\u0142owe \u2013 fabryki, cukrownie, m\u0142yny czy folusze. Zerwa\u0142 tak\u017ce z dotychczasowym kanonem pi\u0119kna wymagaj\u0105cym upi\u0119kszania, skoncentrowa\u0142 si\u0119 na malarskiej prawdzie i nie pomija\u0142 \u017cadnych szpec\u0105cych architektur\u0119 detali. W przemy\u015blany spos\u00f3b podchodzi\u0142 do kwestii kolorystyki, staraj\u0105c si\u0119 uchwyci\u0107 barwy charakterystyczne dla danego miejsca.

Przypadaj\u0105ca w 2017 roku 210. rocznica urodzin artysty sta\u0142a si\u0119 okazj\u0105 do przygotowania wystawy \"Napoleon Orda. Ilustrowana encyklopedia kraju\u201d, na kt\u00f3rej zaprezentowano 110 rysunk\u00f3w i akwarel ukazuj\u0105cych widoki miejsc wa\u017cnych pod wzgl\u0119dem historycznym i uczuciowym zar\u00f3wno dla Polak\u00f3w, jak i Bia\u0142orusin\u00f3w.

Jest to pierwsza tak du\u017ca prezentacja dzie\u0142 Napoleona Ordy poza Polsk\u0105 i pierwsza tak obszerna jego wystawa na Bia\u0142orusi. Wszystkie prace pochodz\u0105 z Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie, gdzie znajduje si\u0119 najwi\u0119ksza kolekcja rysunk\u00f3w i akwarel Napoleona Ordy.

Kuratorzy wystawy: Aliaksei Kharak i Urszula Kozakowska-Zaucha (MNK)

Wystawa zorganizowana przez Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Narodowe Muzeum Sztuki Republiki Bia\u0142oru\u015b i Fundacj\u0119 Dziedzictwa Kulturowego we wsp\u00f3\u0142pracy z Instytutem Polskim w Mi\u0144sku.
<\/strong>","alt":null,"tags":"Napoleon Orda, Narodowe Muzeum Sztuki Republiki Bia\u0142orusi, rysunek, akwarela, Mi\u0144sk, Bia\u0142oru\u015b, zbiory MNK","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"Narodowe Muzeum Sztuki Republiki Bia\u0142oru\u015b","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"ul. Lenina 20, Mi\u0144sk","lang":"pl","created_at":"2017-08-02 08:59:08","updated_at":"2017-09-05 11:25:03","slug":"napoleon-orda-ilustrowana-encyklopedia-kraju"}},"Branch":{"id":0,"classname":"branch_alter","map_lng":"27.57568359375","map_lat":"53.92375094101389","Translation":{"pl":{"acronym":"","title":"Narodowe Muzeum Sztuki Republiki Bia\u0142oru\u015b","titleShort":"Narodowe Muzeum Sztuki Republiki Bia\u0142oru\u015b","address":"ul. Lenina 20, Mi\u0144sk","lang":"pl"},"en":{"acronym":"","title":"","titleShort":"","address":"","lang":"en"}}}},"tags":[],"cycleName":null}