pointdata[198] = {"type":null,"hours":[{"id":"36","exhibition_id":"198","hours":null,"stat":false,"ord":"2","created_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:37","updated_at":"2016-09-07 09:09:03","Translation":{"en":{"id":"36","day":"","hours_o":"","lang":"en","created_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:37","updated_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:37"},"pl":{"id":"36","day":"do 30.09 - codziennie","hours_o":"10 - 18","lang":"pl","created_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:37","updated_at":"2016-09-07 09:10:16"}}},{"id":"35","exhibition_id":"198","hours":null,"stat":false,"ord":"1","created_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:26","updated_at":"2016-09-07 09:09:03","Translation":{"en":{"id":"35","day":"","hours_o":"","lang":"en","created_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:26","updated_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:26"},"pl":{"id":"35","day":"od 1.10 - codziennie","hours_o":"10 - 17","lang":"pl","created_at":"2016-09-06 16:39:26","updated_at":"2016-09-07 09:10:31"}}}],"item":{"id":"198","branch_id":999,"type":"temporary","titleSize":"small","textAuthor":"Janusz Wa\u0142ek","file":"images\/upload\/wystawy\/czasowe\/2016\/Czartoryscy_Narodowi\/czarto_1500.jpg","icon_eye":"0","icon_ear":"0","icon_wheelchair":"0","icon_baby":"0","icon_coffee":"0","icon_wifi":"0","icon_nophoto":"0","date_from":"2016-06-10","date_to":"2017-03-19","stat":true,"ord":"252","ticketType":"link","ticketLink":"","visitingTime":"1h","onlyOnList":"0","template_type":"enhanced","file_foto":"","show_date":"0","archived":"1","archive_ord":"285","branch_alter":"1","map_lat":"50.03429000000001","map_lng":"20.217822699999942","created_at":"2016-08-03 11:16:45","updated_at":"2021-01-19 17:33:38","Translation":{"en":{"id":"198","title":"The Past for the Future. The Czartoryski Family for the Nation","place":"","lead":"The exhibition titled 'The Past for the Future. The Czartoryski Family for the Nation' is on display at the Royal Castle in Niepo\u0142omice and provides its visitors with an opportunity to commune with the outstanding collections of historical keepsakes and works of art which became part of Polish culture thanks to the Czartoryski family.","text":"It presents a collection of selected museum exhibits, combines Polonica and objects related to the history and culture of Western Europe, emphasizes the great diversity of the holdings which encompass painting, decorative arts, militaria, as well as antiquities and prints, which are not displayed at the exhibition.

The exhibition presents a number of objects originating from the Pu\u0142awy period. Works particularly worth attention, placed in special ornamental settings, include relics of famous figures: El Cid and Jimena, Abelard and Heloise, Petrarch and Laura. They are displayed next to the key to the Temple of Sybil in the shape of the Greek caduceus, bearing an inscription MNEMEZ ANOIGO HIERON \u2013 'I Am Opening the Temple of Remembrance'. It is important to remember that it is the key to the first and the oldest Polish museum.

One of the display cabinets in the middle of the room features, among other objects, a beautiful rock crystal bottle which reportedly once belonged to the King of France \u2013 Francis I, a powder horn belonging to the king of England \u2013 Henry VIII, as well as a cap which was allegedly worn by Napoleon Bonaparte when he crossed the Berezina River during his retreat from Moscow.

There is also an important group of Polish militaria \u2013 two karacena armours from Vienna (with the adjacent depictions of king John III Sobieski and Zygmunt Zbierzchowski, who led a trial hussar attack in Vienna), and melee weapons: commemorative swords of Tadeusz Ko\u015bciuszko, Prince J\u00f3zef Poniatowski and General Karol Kniaziewicz.

Other types of weapons worth mentioning here include an impressive rapier traditionally attributed to Martin Luther, and the crossbow bolt exhibited in Pu\u0142awy as William Tell's arrow. The alleged portrait of the legendary Swiss freedom fighter can be seen above the display case containing the arrow.

Another eye-catching item is the panoply placed on the wall, consisting of an impressive Renaissance armour for a rider and a horse, belonging to Prince Albert \u2013 the governor of the Netherlands.

Noteworthy works of diverse decorative arts include a set of Renaissance and Baroque silverware, featuring impressive goblets in the shape of a peacock and a ship, ornamental maces and the Wi\u015bniowieckis' baton decorated with precious stones. Other items which attract the visitor's attention are the magnificent ceremonial Renaissance shields, particularly one \u2013 suspended over the passage to the second hall and depicting the battle of Emperor Constantine with Maxentius \u2013 called the Auspicious Shield, associated with John III Sobieski. Opposite, on the other side of the room, hangs a richly ornamented Turkish shield - Kalkan.

The other hall presents particularly valuable medieval religious objects \u2013 products made of enamel and ivory, as well as Renaissance Flemish embroidery depicting Virgin and Child with St Anne. Among the numerous works, particularly noteworthy paintings include those visible from afar, from the very entrance \u2013 'The Annunciation' by a Krakow painter Georgius, dating back to 1517, an impressive altar painting recovered in 1802 by Princess Izabela Czartoryska from the ruins of one of the churches on the Wawel hill, 'The Crucifixion' by the Sienese Pieta Master (14th century), 'Christ in Majesty' by Mariotto di Nardo (14th century), 'The Annunciation' and 'Our Lady of Sorrows' (15th century) from the workshop of the Netherlandish artists from the Bouts family.

Other notable examples of religious works displayed in the second hall include Renaissance paintings such as 'St Catherine' by Kulmbach, 'Holy Family' by Palma Vecchio, 'The Adoration of the Magi' by Garofalo, and a small painting featuring scenes from the life and Passion of Christ, which in Pu\u0142awy was considered to constitute the so-called Altar of King Sigismund Augustus.

The first hall of the exhibition presents remarkable Renaissance secular paintings: 'Scenes from the Story of the Roman Lucretia' and 'Two Pairs of Lovers: Paris and Helena, as well as Tristan and Isolde', both of which constituted parts of painted Italian wedding chests, the so-called cassones (15th century), a scene of Brutus and Portia (unidentified Verona painter, early 16th century), 'Portrait of a Man with a Glove' by Jan Mostaert, and a small 'Portrait of Isabella, the Queen of Denmark' by the Master of the Legend of the Magdalen (the Netherlands, c. 1515).

The 16th-century French portraits on the other side of the hall notably feature a small-sized 'Portrait of Mary Stuart' and the alleged 'Portrait of Don Juan of Austria', who in 1571 conquered the Turks in the naval battle of Lepanto.

The display also presents the images of the Czartoryski family members \u2013 the creators of the museum. At the entrance to the exhibition, we can see 'Portrait of Princess Isabella Czartoryska' painted in London in 1790 by Maria Cecilia Cosway, a marble 'Bust of Prince W\u0142adys\u0142aw Czartoryski' by Wiktor Brodzki, adjacent to a painting by Jan Matejko \u2013 sketch of a horse for 'The Battle of Grunwald' dedicated to W\u0142adys\u0142aw Czartoryski. The second exhibition hall features the 'Bust of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski' by Klemens Boryczewski.

Adam Jerzy Czartoryski's greatest contribution for the museum was the purchase of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.

Exhibition curator \u2013 Janusz Wa\u0142ek<\/strong>","alt":null,"tags":"The Czartoryski Family, The Czartoryski Museum, The Past for the Future. The Czartoryski Family for the Nation","ticketInfo":"","info":"","file_foto_autor":"","file_foto_meta":"","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"","branch_shortname":"","branch_addres":"","lang":"en","created_at":"2016-08-03 11:16:45","updated_at":"2016-08-09 09:18:05","slug":"the-past-for-the-future-the-czartoryski-family-for-the-nation"},"pl":{"id":"198","title":"Przesz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 Przysz\u0142o\u015bci. Czartoryscy Narodowi","place":"","lead":"Wystawa \"Przesz\u0142o\u015b\u0107 Przysz\u0142o\u015bci. Czartoryscy Narodowi\" prezentowana jest na Zamku Kr\u00f3lewskim w Niepo\u0142omicach i stwarza okazj\u0119 obcowania ze \u015bwietnymi zbiorami pami\u0105tek historycznych i dzie\u0142 sztuki wpisanych za spraw\u0105 rodziny Czartoryskich w dzieje polskiej kultury.","text":"Pokazuje wyb\u00f3r niekt\u00f3rych eksponat\u00f3w muzeum, \u0142\u0105czy ze sob\u0105 polonica i obiekty zwi\u0105zane z histori\u0105 i kultur\u0105 zachodniej Europy, podkre\u015bla wielk\u0105 r\u00f3\u017cnorodno\u015b\u0107 tej kolekcji, zawieraj\u0105cej malarstwo, rzemios\u0142o artystyczne, militaria, a tak\u017ce \u2013 niepokazane na wystawie \u2013 antyk i grafik\u0119.

Wystawa prezentuje szereg eksponat\u00f3w pochodz\u0105cych z okresu pu\u0142awskiego. Po\u015br\u00f3d nich na szczeg\u00f3ln\u0105 uwag\u0119 zas\u0142uguj\u0105, umieszczone w specjalnych ozdobnych oprawach, relikwie s\u0142ynnych postaci: Cyda i Chimeny, Abelarda i Heloizy, Petrarki i Laury, wystawione obok klucza do \u015awi\u0105tyni Sybilli - w kszta\u0142cie greckiego kaduceusza, opatrzonego napisem MNEMEZ ANOIGO HIERON \u2013 Otwieram \u015awi\u0105tyni\u0119 Pami\u0119ci. Trzeba pami\u0119ta\u0107, \u017ce jest to klucz do pierwszego, najstarszego polskiego muzeum.

W jednej z gablot na \u015brodku sali ogl\u0105damy m.in. pi\u0119kn\u0105 butelk\u0119 z kryszta\u0142u g\u00f3rskiego, podobno nale\u017c\u0105c\u0105 niegdy\u015b do kr\u00f3la Francji Franciszka I, prochownic\u0119 po kr\u00f3lu Anglii Henryku VIII oraz czapk\u0119, kt\u00f3r\u0105 mia\u0142 mie\u0107 na g\u0142owie Napoleon Bonaparte, gdy przekracza\u0142 Berezyn\u0119 w odwrocie spod Moskwy.

Wa\u017cny jest zesp\u00f3\u0142 militari\u00f3w polskich \u2013 dwie zbroje karacenowe spod Wiednia (w ich pobli\u017cu wizerunki kr\u00f3la Jana III Sobieskiego i Zygmunta Zbierzchowskiego, kt\u00f3ry przeprowadzi\u0142 pod Wiedniem pr\u00f3bny atak husarii) oraz bro\u0144 bia\u0142a: pami\u0105tkowe szable Tadeusza Ko\u015bciuszki, Ksi\u0119cia J\u00f3zefa Poniatowskiego i genera\u0142a Karola Kniaziewicza.
Z innych rodzaj\u00f3w broni wymieni\u0107 warto okaza\u0142y rapier wi\u0105zany przez tradycj\u0119 z Marcinem Lutrem oraz be\u0142t do kuszy, eksponowany w Pu\u0142awach jako strza\u0142a Wilhelma Tella. Domniemany portret tego legendarnego bojownika o wolno\u015b\u0107 Szwajcar\u00f3w ogl\u0105damy ponad gablot\u0105 ze strza\u0142\u0105.

Zwraca te\u017c uwag\u0119 panoplion na \u015bcianie, u\u0142o\u017cony z element\u00f3w okaza\u0142ej renesansowej zbroi na je\u017ad\u017aca i konia nale\u017c\u0105cej do ksi\u0119cia Albrechta, gubernatora Niderland\u00f3w.

Spo\u015br\u00f3d r\u00f3\u017cnorodnych obiekt\u00f3w rzemios\u0142a artystycznego warto zwr\u00f3ci\u0107 uwag\u0119 na zesp\u00f3\u0142 renesansowych i barokowych sreber, po\u015br\u00f3d kt\u00f3rych wybijaj\u0105 si\u0119 efektowne puchary w kszta\u0142cie pawia i okr\u0119tu, ozdobne buzdygany i zdobiona drogimi kamieniami bu\u0142awa Wi\u015bniowieckich. Przyci\u0105gaj\u0105 uwag\u0119\u00a0 okaza\u0142e paradne tarcze renesansowe, a szczeg\u00f3lnie jedna z nich - zawieszona nad przej\u015bciem do drugiej Sali - przedstawiaj\u0105ca bitw\u0119 cesarza Konstantyna z Maksencjuszem, zwana Tarcz\u0105 Wr\u00f3\u017cebn\u0105, wi\u0105zana z Janem III Sobieskim. Na wprost niej, po drugiej stronie sali, wisi bogato zdobiona tarcza turecka - ka\u0142kan.

W drugiej sali umieszczone s\u0105 szczeg\u00f3lnie cenne \u015bredniowieczne obiekty kultu religijnego - wyroby z emalii i ko\u015bci s\u0142oniowej oraz renesansowy haft flamandzki z przedstawieniem \u015bw. Anny Samotrze\u0107.

Po\u015br\u00f3d licznych obraz\u00f3w szczeg\u00f3lnie wyr\u00f3\u017cniaj\u0105 si\u0119, widoczne ju\u017c z daleka, od wej\u015bcia na wystaw\u0119, \u201eZwiastowanie\u201d krakowskiego malarza Jerzego, z 1517 roku, okaza\u0142y obraz o\u0142tarzowy wydobyty w 1802 r. przez Ksi\u0119\u017cn\u0105 Izabel\u0119 Czartorysk\u0105 z ruin jednego z ko\u015bcio\u0142\u00f3w na wzg\u00f3rzu Wawelskim, \"Ukrzy\u017cowanie\" siene\u0144skiego Mistrza Piety (XIV w.),\u00a0 \"Chrystus na majestacie\" Mariotta di Nardo (XIV w.), \"Zwiastowanie\" i \"Matka Boska Bolesna\" (XV w.) z warsztatu niderlandzkich artyst\u00f3w z rodziny Bouts\u00f3w.
Inne, warte uwagi dzie\u0142a sakralnego malarstwa, wystawione w drugiej sali to obrazy renesansowe, m.in.: \"\u015aw. Katarzyna\" Kulmbacha, \"\u015aw. Rodzina\" Palmy Vecchio, \"Pok\u0142on trzech kr\u00f3li\" Garofala i niewielki obraz ze scenami z \u017cycia i m\u0119ki Chrystusa, uchodz\u0105cy w Pu\u0142awach za tzw. O\u0142tarzyk Kr\u00f3la Zygmunta Augusta.

W pierwszej sali wystawy na szczeg\u00f3ln\u0105 uwag\u0119 zas\u0142uguj\u0105 obrazy \u015bwieckie z epoki renesansu: \"Sceny z historii Lukrecji Rzymskiej\" i \"Dwie pary kochank\u00f3w: Parys i Helena oraz Tristan i Izolda\", obydwa stanowi\u0105ce cz\u0119\u015bci malowanych w\u0142oskich skrzy\u0144 weselnych, tzw. cassone (XV w.), okaza\u0142a scena z Brutusem i Porcj\u0105 (nieokre\u015blony malarz werone\u0144ski, pocz. XVI w.), \"Portret m\u0119\u017cczyzny z r\u0119kawiczk\u0105\" Jana Mostaerta i niewielki \"Portret Izabeli kr\u00f3lowej Danii\" Mistrza Legendy Marii Magdaleny (Niderlandy, ok.1515).

Po\u015br\u00f3d wisz\u0105cych po drugiej stronie sali XVI-wiecznych portret\u00f3w francuskich wyr\u00f3\u017cnia si\u0119 niewielki \"Portret Marii Stuart\" i domniemany \"Portret\u00a0 Don Juana Austriackiego\", kt\u00f3ry w r. 1571 zwyci\u0119\u017cy\u0142 Turk\u00f3w w morskiej bitwie pod Lepanto.

Pozostaj\u0105\u00a0 jeszcze wizerunki\u00a0 Czartoryskich, tw\u00f3rc\u00f3w muzeum. U wej\u015bcia na wystaw\u0119 \u00a0widzimy \"Portret Ksi\u0119\u017cnej Izabeli Czartoryskiej\" namalowany w Londynie, w r.1790, przez Mari\u0119 Cecyli\u0119 Cosway, marmurowe \"Popiersie Ksi\u0119cia W\u0142adys\u0142awa Czartoryskiego\" Wiktora Brodzkiego, obok kt\u00f3rego wisi obraz Jana Matejki - szkic konia do \"Bitwy pod Grunwaldem\" dedykowany W\u0142adys\u0142awowi Czartoryskiemu), a w drugiej sali wystawy \u00a0- \"Popiersie Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego\" autorstwa Klemensa Boryczewskiego.

Najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 zas\u0142ug\u0105 Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego dla muzeum by\u0142o zakupienie obraz\u00f3w Leonarda da Vinci i Rafaela.

Kurator wystawy \u2013 Janusz Wa\u0142ek<\/strong>","alt":null,"tags":"Czartoryscy Narodowi, kolekcja Czartoryskich, Muzeum Ksi\u0105\u017c\u0105t Czartoryskich","ticketInfo":"